
Thoughts, Opinions, Observations.

Once in a while, I have a few thoughts that I think might be worth sharing. Mostly these articles have something to do with getting stuff done and looking at challenges digitization brings to all businesses.

Below are a few of my past thoughts, opinions, and observations. I try to focus on anything related to solving business challenges.

Thoughts, Opinions, Observations.

Once in a while, I have a few thoughts that I think might be worth sharing. Mostly these articles have something to do with getting stuff done and looking at challenges digitization brings to all businesses.

Below are a few of my past thoughts, opinions, and observations. I try to focus on anything related to solving business challenges.


The history of Non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

What is an NFT? Why is there so much hype right now? These are just jpegs that people pay money for, although I can download them for free any time?


How to get your first NFT.

I am convinced that we all have to stay curious and that everyone in the “digital industry” has to deal with new technologies.


About curiosity and NFT Investments.

I believe one of the most important qualities for entrepreneurs is curiosity. If you don't think outside the box, you will miss too many things.


What I think a consultant should be.

In the last six months, I tried to write down what I will do in the future. For now, I decided to work solo – "as a consultant."

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